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Thank you for your interest

This page reflects an offering that has ended.

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In the name of reciprocity, if we are called to use the plants, it is essential that we know how to grow them. 


This workday series will consist of six, half day (4.5 hr + ½ hr lunch break) intensives that will follow the steps of germination, cultivation, maintenance and harvest of medicinal plants in San Francisco, CA (27 hr total). 


With affordable and easy to learn techniques, we will dive into the basics of greenhouse management, home + community herb gardening, herbal small business operation, land stewardship and land-based spirituality.


This educational workday series is hosted by the Friends of Alemany Farm (FOAF) at the Medicine Garden, 700 Alemany Blvd. The workdays are led by FOAF member, clinical herbalist and medicinal landscaper, Bonnie Rose Weaver, and supported by SF Rec & Park.


The workdays will immerse you in the wonder and awe of plants and shift the way you interact with the natural world.

What you will gain:

- Familiarization with 20+ medicinal plants and their uses

- Understand and unlock multi cycle germination

- Common urban farming techniques

- Greenhouse flow and organization

- How to choose medicinal seeds/crops

- Botanical vocabulary 

- Garden planning

- Harvest techniques

- A first-hand understanding of the growth and development of plants

- Profound appreciation for the Islais Creek watershed

- Deeper awareness of Earth’s rhythms and rituals to honor her cycles

- A strong sense of grass-roots community

Who are the workdays for?

These hands-on, in-the-dirt work days are for the tactile learner with the desire to learn the skill of medicinal plant cultivation and herbal medicine. People of diverse backgrounds, cultures, genders, ages, income levels and abilities are welcome. Home gardeners and herbalists are encouraged to enroll, however no prior experience is necessary. Please note, due to current safety precautions, people under 18 years of age are prohibited from joining this workday series.

Overview of the Workdays

Day 1 Welcome + Farm Tour. Discussion of seeds and garden site selection. Practicing germination methods, honoring the birth of Spring.


Day 2 Hands on potting up, weeding and bed preparation. Materia medica of local herbs.


Day 3 Finish potting up, garden planning. Materia medica of local herbs.


Day 4 Planting out, spacing, pests, asexual propagation, troubleshooting in the medicine garden. Materia medica of local herbs. Honoring Spring equinox.


Day 5 Multi-year cycles, seasonal cycles.  Garden care and maintenance. Materia medica of local herbs.

Day 6 Harvest methods and review of herbal remedy making. Materia medica of local herbs. Honoring the spirit of Summer.

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Select Sundays, February - May 2021



Feb 7, Feb 21,March 7, March 21, April 11, May 2.



10:00am - 3:00pm

(with a ½ hr break for lunch, please note there is no restaurant or grocery shop within walking distance of the farm).


Alemany Farm!

700 Alemany Blvd.


Suggested Donation:

$420 - 240* 

Please note the donations will be distributed among workday supply cost, leadership stipend and donations to support the work of the Friends of Alemany Farm. By all of us contributing what we can afford, we can create the world we want to live in. Thank you for giving as much as you are able so that people of different economic backgrounds are able to join the workday series and learn the art and skills of seed to bottle herbalism.


*Please email brw *dot* herbalist (at) gmail *dot* com if you would like to join the workdays and are unable to pay within the sliding scale suggested donation. 

Regarding COVID-19 Safety Precautions

  • As of the publication of this announcement, FoAF in collaboration with SFRPD has permission to gather in groups of up to 12 people for essential agricultural work. Please note, registration of the workday series will be capped at 8 participants. 

  • Prior registration is required to participate. PPE, antiviral sanitation and social distance practices will be in effect. Any repeat disrespect of these practices will result in an immediate request to leave the workdays and the individual will be asked not to return. 

  • As a reminder, if you are feeling sick, have a fever or sore throat, please stay home. 

  • Thank you for your friendly participation of these group expectations to keep everyone safe.

  • If the class falls during a time when there is a no-gatherings ordinance in effect, classes will either be rescheduled or held online.

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About Workday Leadership

Bonnie Rose Weaver is a clinical herbalist and lifelong San Franciscan. She/they are also a medicinal plant cultivator, medicine maker and the author of Deeply Rooted: Medicinal Plant Cultivation in Techtropolis. She reads tarot cards, planetary movements and energy.

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